Friday, November 5, 2010

Fireworks as a form of art

Fireworks were invented in ancient China in the 12th century to scare away evil spirits, and now fireworks are pretty much everywhere. From the opening ceremony of the Olympics to Independence Day, fireworks have been a sign of celebration. Fireworks can have so many different colors and effects, including the ring, willow, peony, cake, roman candle and many more. Fireworks are so popular because they are a form of art and it can be very entertaining if organized well.


  1. Those pictures are really interesting. They almost don't look really and almost look like water color or something like that. It's cool that someone was able to use that kind of technology when everyone else wasn't yet. Very innovative!

  2. I never really thought about a connection between art and fireworks before reading this, even though they are clearly art. Not only do they produce fascinating designs, but it also must take a lot of planning in an overall show in addition to making the fireworks themselves by assembling them so that they set off certain patterns.
